4 Ways That Music Makes Your Life Better

If you're like most people, you've got more stress in your life than you had a year ago at this time. Perhaps you've had to put a long-anticipated vacation on hold, or maybe juggling employment and family obligations is beginning to take a toll on your nerves — and it's starting to affect your mood. You probably also know that listening to your favorite music is a good way to give a bad mood a bit of a boost, but you may not know the extent that incorporating music into your everyday routine can enhance your overall quality of life. The following are just four of the many ways that music can make your life better.

1. Music Relieves Stress

Studies show that listening to music reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone commonly associated with stress. Classical music, in particular, is said to have serious stress-relieving benefits, but not all music has the same effect on all people. If your preference is for country music, for instance, you'll probably be more relaxed when listening to a streaming radio station specializing in that genre rather than one that features classical music. What really matters is that the music is able to absorb your attention — if you can get lost in the music, no matter what type it is, it takes you out of your current state of mind and into one that's more relaxing. 

2. Music Increases Creativity

Music also frees up the creative juices, and this has benefits even for those who aren't artists, writers, and other creative types. For instance, creativity is at the root of problem-solving, so if you're struggling with a mundane decision such as what to prepare for dinner, trying listening to your favorite music for half an hour or so and then revisiting the question. It's also possible that listening to music may help you unleash a hidden creative talent that you didn't even know you had. 

3. Music Enhances Physical Workouts

Whether your way of staying in shape involves long, leisurely walks in one of your local parks or strenuous routines at your neighborhood gym, it's likely that you'll get more from your workout if you do it to music. Those who exercise while enjoying their favorite songs may end up extending their workouts instead of finishing them up as quickly as possible — if you've ever gone dancing, you're undoubtedly familiar with the way that music and movement just seem to go together naturally. Even if your daily exercise routine doesn't last any longer as the result of listening to music, you'll probably enjoy it more. 

4. Music Strengthens Memory

Music has the power to help patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and other dementia-related conditions recall and retain information better. Extensive research has shown that individualized playlists and other types of music therapy have substantial positive effects on those suffering from memory loss. It's also possible to help children learn using music as a memory tool. 

Even if you're a steadfast fan of a particular type of music, it can't hurt to experiment with different types and see where it leads. One of the easiest ways to do this is to listen to streaming radio — all you need to do to experience particular types of music is to choose stations that specialize in those types. Streaming radio provides an excellent introduction to a huge variety of musical genres, and as an added bonus, most streaming stations have very few commercial breaks, and some have absolutely none. Who knows, you may find a whole new world of music that you never even knew existed before. 

Contact a company that offers music radio streaming services to learn more.
