
3 Basics You’ll Learn When You Start Guitar Lessons

When you start taking guitar lessons for the first time, you may wonder what to expect, particularly if you've never played an instrument before. Here are some of the basics you'll typically learn once you have an instrument in hand and arrive at your first lesson. 1. Hand Position Technique Correct technique is one of the most important aspects of playing any instrument. However, even if you've played other instruments before, you'll still have to learn guitar technique. Read More 

How Touring Country Bands Help Concert Venues During COVID-19

The entertainment industry has been hit hard by COVID-19, particularly independent concert venues. These areas have struggled to maintain independence because fewer people are coming out – some may even have to switch to an unusual outdoor seating situation to avoid any danger. Thankfully, traveling country bands can help these venues succeed with their concert ideas. COVID Has Impacted Entertainment Venues Across the country, many entertainment venues are closing, struggling to stay open, or adapting to the face of COVID-19. Read More 

4 Ways That Music Makes Your Life Better

If you're like most people, you've got more stress in your life than you had a year ago at this time. Perhaps you've had to put a long-anticipated vacation on hold, or maybe juggling employment and family obligations is beginning to take a toll on your nerves — and it's starting to affect your mood. You probably also know that listening to your favorite music is a good way to give a bad mood a bit of a boost, but you may not know the extent that incorporating music into your everyday routine can enhance your overall quality of life. Read More 

3 Buying Tips for Buying Your Child’s First Piano

Piano lessons can be wonderful for children. Learning to play the piano as a first instrument can open their eyes to a whole world of music, making it easier to play other instruments later on. After a year or two of lessons, your child's teacher will likely recommend that you buy them their own piano. This can seem like a tough task if you are not familiar with buying musical instruments. Read More 

3 Key Tips When Hiring A Music Composer For A Television Show

If you're trying to get a TV show produced, an important aspect of it is the music. It will give your show a distinct personality from an auditory standpoint. For this, you'll need to hire a TV music composer. Your selection will work out if you take advantage of these hiring tips.   Sample Some Work The only true way of determining if a music composer is a good fit for your television show or not is by sampling some of their music. Read More